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Hazard 4 Ditch V20 Messenger Bag Black

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The updated version of the popular Hazard 4 Ditch Bag comes with a lot of new features and solutions. The major new upgrades are a sawn-in shoulder strap with Hazard 4 patented locking buckle, laser-cut MOLLE throughout the front panel, giant loop fastener for ID and morale patches, fuzzy loop liner through the entire main compartment for attaching dividers, holsters, patches or other accessories. Most importantly, the replacement of all rubber textiles with Cordura fabric brings enhanced durability and longevity.

The same as in the older version, the size and layout were designed around the portable laptop computer, and its fast access, padded and quilted pocket provides secure device storage space. At the same time, the other compartments allow for ample storage of the additional gear. The soft briefcase-style format can load out numerous modular containers on its front surface MOLLE system and throughout the entire bag.

The interior of the main compartment comes with a fuzzy loop liner together with two side and two front sleeve pockets. Access to the main compartment is protected by a large, quick to open flap that features twin YKK zip closure, one with an additional carabiner and numerous hook-and-loop MOLLE straps on the top for attaching extra accessories. The flap peels off completely and can be hidden in an internal pocket.

The front of the bag comes with an extremely large admin pocket with a full-size sleeve pocket secured with hook-and-loop pat, large, zipped sleeve pocket, full size weather-proof transparent window for maps or documents and multiple smaller, various in sizes sleeve pockets. Admin compartment also features a two-way zip closure, which can be locked with an optional padlock, and two nylon straps that open to a 90-degree angle, creating a practical drop-down work shelf.

The backside of the Hazard 4 Ditch V20 bag features a large, heavily padded fast-grab laptop sleeve carrier lined on one side with quitted soft fabric and fuzzy loop liner on the other for attaching straps or other accessories. It comes with water-resistant two-way zip closure with pull tabs and a multipurpose hook-and-loop strap attachment point together with a 1x9 MOLLE strap. For airport travel, the bag's back can be mounted onto rolling luggage handles via a multipurpose hook-and-loop strap, which can also support belt mount type accessories or can be used as an additional handle.

Moreover, there is soft-touch and tough Cordura fabric throughout, heavily padded carrying handles, wide shoulder strap, elasticised side sleeve pockets with MOLLE webbing, attachment points for an optional flap, D-rings and Nylon loops on the bottom.

The webbing used throughout the bag is a class-leading strapping system that is stiff yet soft on the skin and is very useful for attaching additional side pouches and other MOLLE compatible accessories.

An indispensable piece of kit, this bag can be used as a briefcase, travel or messenger bag, photography case, escape or evade survival kit. The Hazard 4 Ditch Bag is a perfect portable storage solution for anybody looking for quality, functional and long-lasting gear.

  • Multi-functional Ditch Bail-Out-Bag / Laptop-Soft-Brief
  • Perfectly sized dimensions for the most common loads
  • Main compartment with multiple pockets and fully lined with fuzzy loop liner for attachment of additional dividers, pouches, holsters, or other accessories
  • Top YKK twin zipper link can unpair from pullers to open zippers one at a time
  • Admin pocket with two-way zip closure, two full-size sleeve pockets, zipped pocket, multiple smaller sleeve pockets, organiser and work shelf retainer straps
  • Large heavily padded laptop sleeve / armour plate pocket with water-resistant zip closure, multipurpose fuzzy loop liner on one side for extra straps or attachments
  • Can fit up to a 15" PC laptop
  • Made of soft-touch and tough Cordura material
  • Strong carrying handle
  • Sewn-in shoulder strap with Hazard 4 patented locking buckle
  • Two side sleeve pockets
  • D-rings and Nylon loops
  • Multiple MOLLE attachment points on the front, inside and throughout the bag
  • Giant loop fastener for ID and morale patches on front
  • High quality subdued 3D Hazard 4 rubber logo on the flap
  • Shelf retainers allow use while wearing a bag like a chest rig
  • Compatible with optional Hazard 4 flap, shoulder straps or other accessories such as pouches and holsters
  • Main compartment inner side sleeve pockets fit magazines or bottles
  • Side and front MOLLE areas can fit multiple magazine pouches
  • Can fit 3-litre bladder reservoir
  • Can fit ballistic armour plate
  • External dimensions: 17.75"x12.6"x5.2" (45x32x13.2cm)
  • Main compartment dimensions: 16.9"x12.2"x4.7" (43x31x12cm)
  • Material: Invista 1000D Cordura; PU x2 water repellent coated for superior water resistance
  • Weight: 1160g
  • Manufacturer: Hazard 4
  • Manufacturer's number: MSG-DC20-BLK
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